The knowledge of Vedic Aryans in chemistry is evident from many chemical process which are discussed in Vedas and practiced by Vedic Aryans in ancient India. The science of chemistry in ancient India started with Atharvanic alchemical notion of āyusyāni which later on came to be known as rasāyana (which later on termed as 'chemicals'). Vedic people also knew the chemistry involved in process occuring in nature. A few of them are listed below:
Electrical Energy and its Applications in Vedas - Electrical energy is a form of energy, as a result of the form of the electric charge. These properties & applications of electrical energy is discussed in Vedas...
Electrical Cell in Vedas - Electric Cell is a device which converts chemical energy into electrical energy. Agastya Samhita, which was written thousands of years ago also discusses the methods to construct the electric cell...
Metallurgy in Vedas - Metallurgy is art and science of extracting metals from ores and using them for different purposes. Vedic people knew the art of designing tools, vessels and armours...
Fermentation Process in Vedas - The knowledge of Vedic Aryans of chemistry is evident from many chemical process which are discussed in Vedas and practiced by Vedic Aryans in ancient India...
Chemistry of Dyeing in Vedas - Vedic people also knew the chemistry involved in process of dyeing. This is evident by their garments of different colors. This is depicted by the word Varna(color) in RigVeda...