Metallurgy in Vedas

Metallurgy is art and science of extracting metals from ores and using them for different purposes. The present day use of metal has followed a long path of approximately 6500 years. Vedic people knew the art of designing tools, vessels and armours. The Vedic verses talk about few processes involved in metallurgy. Let's have a look over them.

Rig Veda 9.112.2
जरतीभिरोषधीभिः पर्णोभिः शकुनानम् Ι
कार्मारो अश्मभिर्द्युभिर्हिरण्यवन्तमिच्छतिन्द्रायेन्दो परि स्त्रेव ΙΙ
जिस प्रकार पक्षियों के पंख, तीक्ष्ण शिलाखंड तथा पुरानी परिपक़्व काष्ट से बाण बनाने वाला शिल्पी धनी व्यक्ति की इच्छा करता है, उसी प्रकार हम सोम के प्रवाहित होने की कामना करते हैंΙ यह सोम देवताओं के लिए प्रवाहित होता हैΙ   

The above Vedic verse refers to the process of smelting of metal. It is the process of extracting the metals from their ore(source) - involving heating and melting.

Features of metallurgy can be discovered from use of copper and bronze in ancient India. Copper and bronze along with other metalswere in common use in ancient India. The metal copper is denoted by the word syāmam.

Rig Veda 5.30.15
चतुः सहस्रं गव्यस्य पश्वः प्रत्यग्रभीष्म रुश्मेष्वग्ने Ι
धर्मश्चित् तप्तः य आसीदयस्तम्वादाम विप्रा ΙΙ
हे अग्ने! हम मेधावियों ने रुशमवासियों से चार हज़ार गौएं प्राप्त को और यज्ञ में गौओं के दुग्ध का दोहन करने के निमित्त हमने सुंदर और शुद्ध सुवर्ण के कलश की प्राप्ति कीΙ 

The metallic objects used by the Vedic people include the metallic tip of the arrow made of iron, kettles, cups, bowls,heater, pans of iron and oven. 

The word ayas in Rgveda denotes metal in addition to gold. Metals other than gold and silver are classified in two categories - syāma ayas or iron and the lohita ayas or copper or bronze in verses of Yajurveda and Atharvaveda.

Atharvaveda 11.3.7

श्याममयोऽस्य मांसानि लोहितमस्य लोहितम् Ι     
श्यामली धातु(लोहा) इसका मांस तथा लाल वर्ण का तांबा इसका(अन्न तत्त्व) रक्त हैΙ    

In Yajurveda, there is a list of six metals- gold, iron, copper, lead, tin and bronze. A picture of metal-smith of the Vedic period is in Rgveda.