Electrical Cell in Vedic Texts

Electric Cell is a device which converts chemical energy into electrical energy. The Italian Physicist, chemist & pioneer of electrical science Alessandro Volta is known for the invention of cell. But Agastya Samhita, which was written thousands of years ago also discusses the methods to construct the electric cell. It also explains the process of electrolysis. Let's discuss those Vedic verses and ANCIENT BATTERY.

संस्थाप्य मृण्मये पात्रे ताम्रपत्रम् सुसंस्कृतम् ।
छादयेत शिखिग्नीवेनार्दाभिः काष्ठपांसुभिः ॥

दस्तालोष्ठो निघातव्यः पारदाच्छादितस्ततः ।
संयोगात जायते तेजो मित्रावरुण संज्ञितम् ॥

अनेन जलभंगोस्ति प्राणोदानेषु वायुषु।
एवम् शतानाम् कुंभानाम् संयोगः कार्यकृत्स्मृतः ॥

वायु बंधक वस्त्रेण निबद्धो यंमस्तके।
उदान: स्वलघुत्वे बिभर्त्याकाश यानकम ॥

Mitra = cathode
Varuna = anode
Pranavayu = Oxygen
Udanavayu = Hydrogen
Ghritachi = Earthen ceramic beaker
Shata Kumbh = 100 cells in series
Apsara = vessel

A clean copper plate is put in earthen vessel. It is first covered with copper sulphate and then moist sawdust. Then put a mercury-amalgamated-zinc sheet, known by the twin name of Mitra-Varuna. Then the water molecule  by current dissociates into Oxygen(Pranavayu) and Hydrogen(Udanavayu). And chain of hundred jars can be used to give strong electricity(series of cells form the battery).