Seasons in Vedas

vedic science

With the passage of an year, Earth marks changes in weather and environment. It is due to the revolution of Earth around the Sun. There are majorly four seasons - winter, spring, summer and autumn.
But in India, there are mainly six seasons, apart from these four there are two others - Autumn and Spring. In Vedic texts, all these six seasons are discussed. In Vedic Verses, the term 'season' is termed as Ritu and these seasons are also discussed and are named by different terms -
  • Vasant Ritu as Spring, from Mid March to Mid May, the months are also called Chaitra and Baisakh
  • Nidāgha/Grishma Ritu as Summer, from Mid May to Mid July, the months are also called Jyestha and Aashaadha
  • Varsā Ritu as Rainy season, from Mid July to Mid September, the months are also called Shravana and Bhadrapada or Sawan and Bhado 
  • Sarada Ritu as Autumn, from Mid September to Mid November, the months are also called Ashwin and Kartik  
  • Hemant Ritu as Pre-Winter or Late Autumn, from Mid November to Mid January, the months are also called Agahan or Poos or Agrahayana and Pausha
  • Shishir or Shita Ritu as Winter, from Mid January to Mid March, the months are also called Magha and Phalguna
Vedic Science

YajurVeda 2.32
नमो वः पितरो रसाय नमो वः पितरः शोषाय नमो वः पितरो जीवाय नमो वः पितरः स्वधायै नमो वः पितरो घोराय नमो वः पितरो मन्यवे नमो वः पितरः पितरो नमो वो गृहान्नः पितरो दत्त सतो वः पितरो देष्मैतद्वः पितरो वासऽआधत्त ΙΙ

हे पितरो! तुमसे संबंधित रस बसंत ऋतु को, तुमसे संबंधित ग्रीष्म ऋतु को, तुमसे संबंधित प्राणियों के प्राण रूप वर्षा ऋतु को, तुमसे संबंधित स्वधा रूप शरद ऋतु को, तुमसे संबंधित प्राणिमात्र को विषम हेमंत ऋतु को तथा तुमसे संबंधित क्रोध रूप शिशिर ऋतु को नमस्कार हैΙ हे छह ऋतुओं के रूप वाले पितरो! तुम्हे नमस्कार हैΙ तुम हमें पत्नी और पुत्रादि से युक्त गृह प्रदान करोΙ हम तुम्हारे लिए यह देय वस्तु देते हैंΙ हे पितरो! यह सूत्र रूप परिधेय तेरे लिए परिधान की भांति हो जाएΙ      

All the six seasons are mentioned and discussed in Vedas. There are many other Vedic Verses which also discuss about these six seasons.