'Revolution of Earth' in Vedas

We know that in our universe, the celestial bodies are rotating about their axis and are revolving in an orbit about the centre of the orbit. Our Earth is rotating about its axis and  is revolving around the sun in an orbit. There is discussion about the rotation and revolution of Earth in Vedas. 

Rigveda 10.22.14
अहस्ता यदपदी वर्धत क्षा∶ शचीभिर्वेद्यानाम् I
शुष्णं परि प्रदक्षिणिद् विश्वायवे नि शिश्‍नथा∶ II 
अर्थात "यह पृथ्वी हाथ-पांव से रहित होते हुए भी देवताओं द्वारा यज्ञादि कर्म करने के निमित्त विस्तृत हुई हैΙ इंद्र ने इस पृथ्वी की परिक्रमा करके ही शुष्ण का संहार किया थाΙ" अर्थात पृथ्वी सूर्य के चारों ओर घूमती है।   
According to this verse,"This earth is devoid of hands and legs, still it moves ahead. It moves around the sun. All the objects over with Earth also move with it." It simply says that Earth revolves around the Sun. 

Rigveda 10.149.1
सविता यन्‍त्रै∶ पृथिवीमरम्णादस्कम्भने सविता द्यामदृहंत् I
अश्वमिवाधुक्षद्धुनिमन्तरिक्षमतूर्ते बंद्ध सविता समुद्रम् II 
अर्थात "अपने कर्म-साधन द्वारा पृथ्वी को स्थिर करने वाले हे सविता ! तू सृष्टि का उत्पादक है और बिना आधार (स्तंभ) के आकाश को तू सुदृढ़ रूप से अंतरिक्ष में स्थापित करता है तथा आधार रहित अंतरिक्ष में स्थित जलराशि के रूप में पाशयुक्त अश्व की भांति प्रकंपित शरीर वाले मेघों को बरसाता हैΙ"   
This verse says,"Sun has tied Earth and other planets through attraction and moves them around itself as if a trainer moves newly trained horses around itself holding their reins." As a trainer moves the horse around him in circle by holding their reins, similarly Earth revolves around the Sun in an orbit,where Sun is at the center of the orbit. And similar to the rein of horse, there is a force of attraction between Earth and Sun, which is known as gravitational force, which allows Earth to revolve around it.