'Solar Eclipse' in Vedas

Solar Eclipse happens when portion of earth is in shadow due to Moon which either fully or partially blocks the Sunlight. The following verses from Vedas explain solar eclipse.

Rig Veda 5.40.5,5.40.9
यत् त्वा सूर्य स्वर्भानुस्तमसाविध्यदासुर∶Ι     
अक्षेत्रविद् यथा मुग्धो भुवनान्यदीधयुःΙΙ5ΙΙ
यं वै सूर्यं स्वर्भानुस्तमसाविध्यदासुर∶Ι
अत्रयस्तमन्वविन्दन् नह्यन्ये अशक्नुवन्ΙΙ9ΙΙ 
हे सूर्य! जब आप किसी एक ऐसे से अवरुद्ध हो जाते हैं, जिसे आपने अपना प्रकाश उपहार में दिया है, तो पृथ्वी अंधेरे से भ्रमित हो जाती है।
Atri(अत्रि) was Vedic sage who composed large number of hymns to Agni, Indra and other Vedic deities. This hymn says,"O Sun! When you are blocked by one to whom you have gifted your light(moon), Earth gets confused by darkness." Sun gifts its light to moon and when sun is blocked by moon, solar eclipse occurs. And portion of Earth is engulfed by shadow casted by moon by blocking sunlight.   

Svarbhānu(स्वर्भानु) is Vedic asura who is considered as held responsible for solar eclipse. In Puranas, it is also used as an attribute of demon Rahu and Ketu. Rahu and Ketu are refered to as North and South Node of Moon. Sages have explained in Vedas that how Svarbhānu is responsible for Sun and Moon and how Sun appears after eclipse in sky.
Svarbhanu is Sva+Bha+Anu, where Sva means sky,Bha means light,Anu means follower i.e. follower of light in sky. Follower of light in sky which is shadow and eclipses are seen due to this shadow.