'How does Moon Shine' explained in Vedas

Moon shines because its surface reflects the sunlight, although the intensity of reflected light depends on the lunar phase. The same is discussed in Vedas.

Rig Veda 10.85.9
सोमो वधूयूरभवदश्विनास्तामुभा वरा Ι 
सूर्या यत् पत्ये शंसन्तीं मनसा सविताददात् ΙΙ     
अर्थात "सूर्या हृदय से पति की कामना करती थी। जब सूर्य ने अपने पुत्री सुर्या को अश्विनिकुमारों को सौंपा, तब सोम भी वरण करने को इच्छुक हुआ, किन्तु अश्विनीकुमार ही उसके वर रूप में सुनिश्चित किए गए।"
This verse says, "Moon decided to marry. Day and Night attended its wedding and sun gifted his daughter 'sun ray' to moon." Simply, moonlight is just the sunlight reflected from the surface of moon.