Process of Cell Multiplication in Vedas

Every concept you have studied/are studying in classical and modern science have been discussed in Vedas. Now if we talk about biological process, the study of living cells and the process of cell multiplication is very important. In RigVeda, cells and their multiplication is discussed. The Rubhus brothers are known for their study and work on living cells and cell multiplication.  

RigVeda 1.110.3
ततत् सविता वोऽमृतत्वमासुवदगोह्यं यच्छ्रवयन्त ऐतन Ι     
त्वं चिच्चमसमसुरस्य भक्षणमेकं सन्तमकृणुता चतुर्वयम् ΙΙ   
कभी न लोप होने वाले सविता के यश का गैन करते हुए हे ऋभु देवताओं! तुम जब उसके निकट गए, तब तत्काल उसने तुम्हे अमरता प्रदान की, तब त्वष्टा के सोमपान करने वाले चमस (पात्र) को चार भागों में विभाजित कर दियाІ              
It says that Sun gave Chamasa with Amruta to Rubhus and they divided it into four equal parts. Here Chamasa can be considered as a cell and amruta(an immortal thing) makes it a living cell. Chamasa means having Chit or Chetna which means that it is a living cell. 

Chit Chamasa refers to fertilized egg which was divided into four by Rubhus brothers which means that (after cell multiplication) four animals evolved from single zygote. This living cell or embryo is referred as Twashta(God).

RigVeda 4.33.5
ज्येष्ठ आह चमसा द्वा करेति कनीयान् त्रीन् कृणवामेत्याह Ι
कनिष्ट आह चतुरस्करेति त्वष्ट ऋभवस्तत् पनयद् वचो वः ΙΙ                  
चमस को दो भागों में विभाजित करने की बात ज्येष्ठ ऋभु ने की, किन्तु उससे छोटे ने चमस को चार भागो में विभाजित करने की इच्छा प्रकट कीІ हे ऋभुओ! त्वष्टा ने तुम्हारी बात की प्रशंसा करते हुए चार भाग वाली बात को स्वीकार कियाІ        
During an experiment, Rubu says," we can make two cells from an original one". Then the younger brother Vajra says,"we can make three". He observed that when one cell is divided into two (cell numbers 1 and 2), then one of these two(let us say cell number 1) can also be divided into two(1a and 1b). Then the third brother, the youngest brother Vibhu says,"We can make four". He observed that the second cell (the cell number 2) can also be divided into two (cells 2a and 2b) like the first. Thus four cells(1a,1b,2a and 2b) from one cell. And similarly cell multiplication continues.