Animal Cloning in Vedas

Cloning is a process to produce genetically identical copies of organisms either naturally or artificially. The knowledge of Vedic Aryans about animal cloning is evident by various Vedic verses. It was done to multiply number of cows and horses. Rubhus are mentioned in RigVeda as brothers (Rubhu,Vajra and Vibhu) who made their parents youthful again and are known for cloning of animals also. It is also said that the Rubhus were known for their work for a very long period of time. Let's discuss the Vedic verses which describes the process of Animal Cloning.


animal cloning

RigVeda 1.20.3
तक्षन् नासत्याभ्यां परिज्मानं सुखं रथम्Ι  तक्षन् धेनुं सबर्दुघाम्ΙΙ   
ऋभुदेवों ने गौऔं को उत्तम दुग्ध प्रदान करने वाली बनाया और अश्विनी कुमारों के निमित्त सुख देने वाले तथा सर्वत्र गमन करने वाले रथ का निर्माण कियाΙ    
Rubhus are known for cloning of cows, mostly for producing a cow which can give copious amount of milk. A method has been described in which cells from the cow's back is taken and cells are multiplied and a looking alike new cow can be produced which is named as Viswaroopa.


animal cloning

RigVeda 1.161.7
निश्चर्मणो गामरिणीत धीतिभिर्या जरन्ता युवशा ताकृणोतन Ι 
सौधन्वना अश्वादश्वामतक्षत युक्त्वा रथमुप देवां अयातन ΙΙ         
अश्व से अश्व को उत्पन्न करके, उसे अपने रथ में योजित क्र देवताओं के निकट पहुंचने वाले हे सुधन्वा के पुत्रों! तुम्हारे उत्तम प्रयासों से चर्मरहित गौ को पुनर्जीवन मिलाΙ तुमने अपने वृद्ध माता पिता को भी युवा बना दियाΙ   

RigVeda 4.33.10
ये हरी मेधयोक्था मदन्त इन्द्राय चक्रुः सुयुजा ये अश्वा Ι
ते रायस्पोषं द्रविणान्यस्मे धत्त ऋभवः क्षेमयन्तो न मित्रम् ΙΙ           
स्तोत्र आदि से आनंदित होकर जिन ऋभुओं ने दो अश्वों को पुष्ट किया और इंद्र के रथ में योजित करने के लिए उन्हें तैयार किया, वे मित्र के समान कल्याणी ऋभु हम मनुष्यों को धन, जल और गौ आदि सुख प्रदान करेंΙ   

Rubhus brothers produced two powerful horses. First they produced a horse, named it as Hari and presented it to Indra and then produced the clone of Hari. Now both the horses are used to yoke the Chariot.