Prosthesis is an artificial device which replaces the missing body parts lost due tot any trauma, disease or any birth conditions. It is integrated with body tissues including nervous system. RigVeda is the first written text which records and discusses about the science of Prosthesis.
RigVeda 1.116.15
चरित्रं ही वेरिवाच्छेदि पर्णमाजा खेलस्य परितक्म्यायाम् І
सघो जंघामायसीं विश्पलायै धने हिते सर्तवे प्रत्यधत्तम् ІІ
जिस प्रकार पक्षी का पंख गिर जाता है, उसी प्रकार राजा खेल की स्त्री का पांव युद्ध में कट गया हे अश्विनी कुमारो! आगे युद्ध प्रारंभ होने से पूर्व ही उसे लोहे का पांव लगाकर युद्ध करने को तटपर कर दियाІ
Foot of Vispala was cut off like the wing of a bird during an engagement by night. But immediately you gave her a metallic leg, so that she can walk.
Vispala was a warrior mentioned in verses of RigVeda. It is mentioned in RigVeda that when Vispala lost her leg in Khela battle, Ashvins helped her. They gave her a leg of iron so that she can running.