We can learnt that Vedas discuss laws of motion, laws of planetary motion and basic physical laws. The Universal law of Gravitation has been discussed in Vedas. You may have heard about crores of Devi-Devta in many ancient texts. What is their SIGNIFICANCE? These deities represent the physical forces acing in our Universe. Indra of Rigveda stands for natural geophysical phenomenon. Indra represents geomagnetic field and it can bring out earthquarkes. Agni stands for geothermal field/heat energy, Maruts for wind energy, Varuna for Universal Law of Gravitation.
Vedic Aryans observed that all these fundamental forces has equal identity. They observed that these forces are different aspects of one and the same fundamental force. This is the ultimate reality and it is identified with Brahman. In Vedic text, this single and unified force is referred to as Brahman.
Same aspect has been postulated by Grand Unified Theory(GUT). GUT says that at high energy; electromagnetic,strong and weak forces are merged into single force. Modern scientists are also trying to unify the forces which govern our universe. Even Albert Einstein suggested the concept to unify these fundamental forces. Scientists have unified electromagnetic and weak forces as electroweak force. Now they are trying to unify electroweak and strong forces and are continuing their quest for the realization of the ultimate fundamental interaction.
RigVeda 1.82.7
न तं विदाथा य इमा जजानाऽन्यद्युष्माकमंतरं बभूव І
नीहारेण प्रावृता जल्प्याचाऽसुतृप उक्थशाश्सचरन्ति ІІ
संपूर्ण ब्रह्मण की रचना जिस परमात्मा (विश्वकर्मा) ने की है, हे मनुष्यो! उसका तुम्हें ज्ञान नहीं है І सबसे भिन्न होकर भी वह परमतत्व सभी के भीतर अवस्थित हैІ जो मनुष्य अपने प्राणों की सुरक्षा या पोषण की चिंता में लिप्त होकर रहते हैं, वे उस परमात्मा को प्राप्त नहीं होतेІ
The above Vedic verse explains that although now the fundamental forces are defined differently(सबसे भिन्न होकर) but at the higher energy level they are merged into single force(परमात्मा-विश्वकर्मा).
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Forces merge at higher energy |