Lunar Mansion in Vedas

History of Indian astronomy has been stretched long from pre-historic times to modern time. Its evidences can be found in the dates of the period of Indus valley civilization(1500-500 BCE). Later on it significantly influenced European, Chinese and Islamic astronomy.     

One such concept discussed in Vedas is 'Constellations' also known as naksatras. During the Vedic period, many astronomers observed the movements of Sun, stars and moon. The observations of the sky was confined to 28 constellations(naksatras) and also the various phases of moon. 

The Vedic concept of naksatras expresses a lunar Zodiac or system of lunar mansions. When Moon orbits around the Earth, it crosses of the Sun's orbit on regular interval. It occur nearlly 28 times(and somtimes 27 times). These cross-section of the orbit is known as Naksatra. So, a Naksatras is basically the section of the Sun's path (or eliptic) through which moon passes while orbiting around the Earth.   

Atharvaveda 19.8.1 
यानि नक्षत्राणि दिव्यन्तरिक्षे अप्सु भूमौ यानि नगेषु दिक्षु І
प्रकल्पयंश्चन्द्रमा यान्येति सर्वाणि ममैतानि शिवानि सन्तु ІІ   
वे सभी नक्षत्र हमे सुख प्रदान करने वाले है जो स्वर्ग, अंतरिक्ष, जल, पृथ्वी,पर्वतों और दिशाओं में दिखाई देते हैं तथा जिनको प्रदीप्त करता हुआ चन्द्रमा प्रकट होता हैІ     

Atharvaveda 19.8.2 
अष्टाविंशानि शिवानि शग्मानि सह योगं भजंतु मे І 
योगं प्र पद्ये क्षेमं प्र पद्ये योगं च नमोऽहोरात्राभ्यामस्तु ІІ        
हम प्राप्त हुई वस्तुओं की रक्षा करने वाले हों तथा अहोरात्र के निमित्त नमन करते रहेंІ कृतिका आदिअठ्ठाईस नक्षत्र हमारे लिए मंगलकारी तथा अभीष्ट प्रदाता हों नक्षत्रों का सहयोग हमारे लिए शुभ फलदायक हो   

Names of some of lunar mansions have been mentioned in verses RigVeda. Besides of those names mentioned in RigVeda, name of four other lunar mansions are also mentioned in earlier Atharvaveda. Although the names of all the 28 constellations have been mentioned in later Atharvaveda.