Lighting and Thunder discussed in Vedas

We know that electrical charges are produced in clouds after their formation. This is named as vidyut in vedas. These charges are produced due to violent collisions between cloud pieces. Interestingly, the Vedic meteorologists had deep knowledge of such phenomenon. 

Atharvaveda 3.13.2
यत् प्रेषिता वरुणेनाच्छीभं समवल्गत Ι
तदाप्नोदिन्द्रो वो यतिस्तस्मादापो अनुष्टनःІІ  
वरुण द्वारा प्रेरित होकर जब तू नाचता हुआ-सा मिलकर चलने लगा तब इंद्र ने तुझे प्राप्त कियाІ इसी कारण तेरा नाम 'आपः' पद गयाІ              

"Because you are sent forth by Varuna and you have condensed so well, Indra possess you. You are, thus called apah." i.e. when water(here referred as you) is sent from ocean (Varuna), it forms clouds (Indra) and it possesses charge. 

The Vedic term pravātas refers to floating clouds and pravātonapāt means daughter of floating clouds i.e. napāt of pravātas. In this context, Vājasaneyī-Samhitā says- 
"I salute you O! electrical charge. You take birth in floating clouds".

In vedic texts, hetu/āgneya means negative electric charge and vapu/somīya refers to positive electric charge.

RigVeda 8.56.13
अंसेष्वा मरुतः स्वादयो वो वक्षःसु रुक्मा उपशिश्रियाणाःΙ 
वि विद्युतो न वृष्टिभी रुचना अनु स्वधामायुधैर्यच्छमानाःΙΙ         
हे मरुतो! तुम्हारे कंधों पर आभूषण तथा वक्ष पर श्रेष्ठ रुक्म हर शोभित हैΙ जलवृष्टि के समय तुम विद्युत के समान चमकीले अस्त्रों की वर्षा करके अपने बल का परिचय देते होΙ वृष्टिकाल में जिस प्रकार विद्युत शोभा पाती है, वैसे ही शत्रुओं पर आयुधों को वर्षा करके तुम अपने बल को प्रदर्शित करते होΙ                   

In Vedas, Indra(rain) is assisted by Maruts(wind) and when Indra kills Vrtra(cloud), maruts is around him. The ionization of air particles(maruts) produces spark (lighting) as oppositely charged clouds are attracted towards each other and thus causing collision.Thus lighting and thunder occur simultaneously. Stanayitnu refers to thunderstorm.