Shape of Earth and Universe in Vedas

Astronomical observations proves that our Earth is not exactly spherical in shape. It is Oblate Spheroid i.e. Earth is flattened at the poles. The recent WMAP data by NASA proves that shape of universe is nearly Oval and it is expanding in the same pattern. 

24 centuries before Newton, RigVeda described the concept of Gravitation which has held the universe together. In RigVeda, it is discussed that Shape of Earth is like an Oblate Spheroid. Now let's discuss which Vedic verses describe about the shape of earth and shape of our Universe. There are a few Vedic verses which discuss about this.

Markandeya Purana 54.12
Earth is flattened at the poles and bulged at equator. Not exactly spherical but closer to its actual shape. Thus its shape is like an Oblate Spheroid                                                                                

Aitareya Brahmana(3.44)
Sun never sets nor rise. When people think Sun is setting, it is not so. After arriving at the end of the day, it produces two opposite effects. It makes night to what is below and day to what is on other side.

When the people believe that Sun is rising in the morning. After reaching at the end of the night, it produce two opposite effects, making night to what is below and day to what is on other side. Thus Sun never sets. 
Simply, Sun never sets. It produces two opposite effects - night on one side and day on another side and then vice verse.

In Vedic texts, Universe is termed as Brahmanda. Do you know what the word 'Brahmanda' means? Brahmanda = Brahm(expand) + anda(egg)  i.e. expanding in the shape of egg.