How the value of Pi has been determined in Vedas?

Until the invention of computers, the western mathematicians couldn't calculate the value of pi upto 16 digits accurately. But we have heard that all the knowledge is in Vedas. Every scientific concept is discussed in Vedas. A Vedic verse in the 10th book of RigVeda which appears to be written for praise of Lord Indra. But the translation of the verse can give the value of Pi upto 32 digits.

In order to memorize the concepts, the Vedic sages used to compile the information in vedic verses. Vedas don't spoon feed you. You have to analyze deeply the meaning of verses. In Vedic verses, the following Vedic numerical codes are used -

Thus the Sanskrit constants denote
ka,ta,pa,ya denote 1
kha,tha,pha,ra denote 2
ga,da,ba,la denote 3
gha,dha,bha,va denote 4
gna,na,ma,sa denote 5
ca,ta,sha denote 6
cha,tha,sa denote 7
ja,da,ha denote 8
jha and dha denote 9
kshah denote 0

The Vedic verse which gives the value of Pi is:

गोपीभाग्यमधुव्रातः  श्रुगशोदधिसंधिगःΙ     
खलजीवितखाताव गलहाला रसंधरःΙΙ    

The above verse actually has three meanings - it praises Lord Shiva, Lord Indra and third is the value of Pi upto 30 places after decimal. It gives the value of Pi as -

Thus the value of Pi from the Vedic verse is 3.141592653589793238462643832792....
which is the same as calculated by computer.