Scientific significance of fasting on Karwa Chauth

Karwa Chauth is a very important festival of Hindus, wives keeping fast and pray for their husbands' long life, where Karva means an earthen pot and Chauth means fourth day, as it is celebrated on fourth day of Kartik mass as per Hindu calender. The women starts their day with a pre dawn meal, then their fast begins from sunrise and stays without consuming food and water until moon rise i.e. fasting for nearly 12 hours. And the fast is completed after watching moon and then takes their final meal of the day.

Now, we all have heard many different stories describing the practice or ritual of celebration of Karwa Chauth. But there a few who discuss about the scientific significance of fasting on Karwa Chauth. Let's discuss that now.

According to Hindu calender, day after the Sharad Purnima(this year it was on 13 Oct,2019), Kartik month starts and the 4th day(called Chauth) of this month is celebrated as Karwa Chauth. Moon is closest to Earth on Sharad Purnima which has its own scientific significance. Now the full moon on Sharad Purnima has enourmous effects on human body and mind, especially women.  

On the full moon night called Purnima, when Moon is closer to our Earth, its higher gravitational pull which directly affects digestive power. And as a result of it, it is advised to take shorter meals as it becomes more nourishing and strengthning. This is why fasting of Purnmashi every month is advised. 

Now the important question is why Karwa Chauth is celebrated on the fourth day after full moon of Kartik Month? Now, just 1-2 days before the Purnmashi(full moon), appetite is very high. And if you have eaten more than your usual time(which usually happens), then the full moon is the best time for the fasting. Then the time for low calorie diet starts and the appetite or craving for food starts decreasing. And thus at that period, human body can enjoy detoxification, which is followed by Karwa Chauth on the fourth day of the Kartik month. Why only the Kartik Month? Because 4 days just before Karwa Chauth, is Sharad Purnima and moon is closest to Earth on Sharad Purnima.

Fasting during day helps women in self control and focus. Fasting improves the digestion and it is kind of training which gives the human body and mind to withstand all hardships, thus making you strong enough to persist extreme difficulties. It is scientifically proven that fasting for nearly 12 hours have positive results on adults. 

Now,if an ancient stories of Savitri or Queen Veervati keeping fast for her husband support such a brilliant scientific logic which is beneficial for our health, then it should be celebrated. Even men can do and should do. If you don't support these stories, you can even go with the scientific logics only and can fast for yourself,your own body! 

What is better than combination of a health conscious practice and a festive celebration! But it is important to celebrate these rituals, or as I would better call them as scientific practices, in their original way to enjoy the benefits. Happy Karwa Chauth!