Planets and their movements in Bhagwat Puran

The planets of our solar system, their movements and their distance from Sun or other planets is all discussed in the verses of Bhagwat puran. The distances mentioned in Bhagwat puran are approximately equal to the values known to us in modern science. Let's discuss those vedic verses.

Bhagwat Puran 5.22.2
यथा कुलालचक्रेण भ्रमता सह भ्रमतां तदाश्रयाणां पिपीलिकादीनां गतिरन्यैव प्रदेशान्तरेष्वप्युपलभ्यमानत्वादेवं नक्षत्रराशिभिरुपलक्षितेन कालचक्रेण ध्रुवं मेरुं च प्रदक्षिणेन परिधावता सह परिधावमानानां तदाश्रयाणां सूर्यादीनां ग्रहाणां गतिरन्यैव नक्षत्रान्तरे राश्यन्तरे चोपलभ्यमानत्वात्Ι   
The ants crawling on a rotating(on its axle) potter's wheel are revolving with it; their motion is indeed different from that of the wheel because they appear sometimes on one part and sometimes on the other part of the wheel. Similarly, signs and constellations move with the wheel of the time and the ant like sun and other planets move with them. Sun and planets are seen in different signs of zodiac and constellations at different times(from the one where they were seen before).    

Bhagwat Puran 5.22.11
तत उपरिष्टात्तिलक्षयोजनतो नक्षत्राणि मेरुं दक्षिणेनैव कालायन ईश्वरयोजितानि सहाभिजिताष्टाविंशतिःΙ  
Moon, which is observed at a distance of 1 lakh Yojanas (nearly 15 lakh kilometers) beyond the orbit of the Sun and which moves faster than the Sun and thus leads the constellations; completes in a period of a month (one month is two fornights as one fornight means period of two weeks) which is covered by the Sun in a whole year and the distance covered by the Sun in a month is traversed in two and quarter days by the moon and the distance covered by the sun in a fortnight is covered by moon in the course of a day.

Bhagwat Puran 5.22.12
तत उपरिष्टादुशना द्विलक्षयोजनत उपलभ्यते पुरतः पश्चात्सहैव वार्कस्य शैघ्रयमान्द्यसाम्याभिर्गतिभिरर्कवच्चरति लोकानां नित्यदानुकूल एव प्रायेण वर्षयंश्चचारेणानुमीयते स वृष्टिविष्टम्भग्रहोपशमनःΙ
It describes the distance of an another planet Venus from the Sun. It says that, at a distance beyond two lakh Yojanas (107 million km) from Sun, Usana(Venus) is observed. It can be seen going before(sometimes), rear(other times) rotating and keeping pace with the Sun.
[Distance between Sun and Venus = 108.2 million km]

Bhagwat Puran 5.22.13
उशनसा बुधो व्याख्यातस्तत उपरिष्टाद द्विलक्षयोजनतो बुधः सोमसुत उपलभ्यमानः प्रायेण शुभकृ द्यदार्काद व्यतिरिच्येत तदातिवाताभ्रप्रायानावृष्टयादिभयमाशंसतेΙ                                  
When observed beyond Venus at a height of two lakh Yojanas, there is Budha or Mercury(offspring of moon). When it outstrips the Sun, it forebodes storm, a cloudy weather almost throughout that period, drought and other unwelcome conditions. 

Bhagwat Puran 5.22.14
अत ऊर्ध्वमङ्गारकोऽपि योजनलक्षद्वितय उपलभ्यमानस्रिभिस्रिभिः पक्षैरेकैकशो राशीन्द्वादशानुभुङ्क्ते यदि न वक्रेणाभिवर्तते प्रायेणाशुभग्रहोऽघशंसःΙ                                   
Beyond Mercury, Mars is observed at a distance of two lakh Yojans(107 million kms) i.e. distance between Mars and Mercury is nearly 107 million kms. It passes through the twelve zodiac at a rate of one in three fortnights. 
[Distance between Mars and Mercury = 105,651,744 kms]

Bhagwat Puran 5.22.15
तत उपरिष्टाद द्विलक्षयोजनान्तरगतो भगवान बृहस्पतिरेकैकस्मिन राशौ परिवत्सरं चरति यदि न वक्रः स्यात्प्रायेणानुकूलो ब्राह्मणकुलस्यΙ                              
Placed at a distance of two lakh Yojans(107 million kms) beyond Mars, the glorious Brhaspati(Jupiter) passes through on zodiac in a whole year.

Bhagwat Puran 5.22.16
तत उपरिष्टाद्योजनलक्षद्वयात्प्रतीयमानः शनैश्चर एकैकस्मिन् राशौ त्रिंशन्मासान् विलम्बमानः सर्वानेवानुपर्येति तावद्भिरनुवत्सरैः प्रायेण हि सर्वेषामशान्तिकरःΙ                               
Observed at a distance of two lakh Yojanas beyond Jupiter, tarrying in each sign of zodiac for thirty months (two years and a half), there is planet Sanaiscara or Saturn(which is called so because of its slow moving nature) passes through all the twelve signs in exactly same number of years. 

Bhagwat Puran 5.22.17
तत उत्तरस्मादृषय एकादशलक्षयोजनान्तर उपलभ्यन्ते य एव लोकानां शमनुभावयन्तो भगवतो विष्णोर्यत्परमं पदं प्रदक्षिणं प्रक्रमन्तिΙ                          
At a distance of eleven lakh Yojanas beyond Saturn, seven Rsis are observed; the seven stars which are known by the name of Big Bear or Ursa Major) which move clockwise round what they call the highest abode of Lord Visnu(i.e. pole star).