Airplanes in Vedas

The Sanskrit treatise called 'Yantra Sarvasva' composed by Maharsi Bhāradvāja, a part of which two texts are named as 'Brhad Vimāna Sāstram' and 'Vaimānika Sāstram' on flying aircrafts were printed and published. It is also said that these manuscripts copies of these text somehow reached Europeans, Germans by which they manufactured airplanes, helicopters etc. which can traverse in sky, with the help of these Sanskrit manuscript.

Vaimānika Sāstra or science of aeronautics is Sanskrit texts on aerospace technology. It claims that Vimanas mentioned in ancient Vedic verses were advanced aerodynamic flying vehicles. Swami Dayananda Saraswati established his theory about the actual flying aircrafts were there in Vedic times. He supported his theory by quoting vedic verses from RigVeda Bhāsya Bhūmika. 

त्रयः पवयो मधुवाहने रथे सोमस्य वेनामनु विश्व इद् विदुःΙ
त्रयः स्कम्भासः स्कभितास आरभे त्रिर्नक्तं याथस्त्रिर्वाश्विना दिवाΙІ  
मधुर रस(सोम) को वहन करने वाले रथ में वज्र के समान तीन सुढृढ़ पहिए लगे हैंΙ इसके प्रति तुम्हारी तीव्र उत्कंठा को सभी मनुष्य जानते पहिए लगे हैंΙ इसके प्रति तुम्हारी तीव्र उत्कंठा को सभी मनुष्य जानते हैΙ उस रथ में शेयर के लिए तीन खम्भे लगे हैंΙ हे अश्वनीकुमारों! तुम इस रथ में रात और दिन तीन-तीन बार गमन करते होΙ                   
"...going from one island to another with these aircrafts in three days and nights." 

Swami Dayanana Saraswati in support of his claim of aircrafts quotes a few more Vedic hymns:

RigVeda 1.34.2
आ नो नावा मतीनं यातं पाराय गंतवे युञ्जाथामश्विना रथम् Ι 
अपनी श्रेष्ठ बुद्धि द्वारा हमें दुखों के सागर से पार ले जाने वाले हे अश्विनीकुमारों! तुम अपने रथ में हमारे पास आगमन करोΙ   
RigVeda 2.164.48
द्वादश प्रधयश्चक्रमेकं त्रीणि नभ्यानि क उ तच्चिकेतΙ 
तस्मिन् त्साकं त्रिशता न शंकवोऽपिंताः षष्टिर्न चलाचलासःΙΙ 
बारह अरे रथ के एक चक्र को घेरे हुए हैं, उसकी तीन नाभियां हैं तथा उसमें 360 चलायमान कीलें ठुकी हुई हैंΙ मेधावीजन यह अच्छी तरह जानते हैंΙ  
"Intelligent people constructed ships to cross oceans, jumping into space speedily with craft using wire and water...containing twelve pillars around a wheel, three machines and 300 pivots and sixty instruments.  

Although after this, in upcoming articles, we will also discuss about texts from Vaimānika Sāstra also in deep. Once again, it is proved that the scientific concepts were are studying now, are all discussed in Vedas.