Centripetal Force in Vedas

Centripetal Force is a force acting on a body moving in a circular path which is directed towards the centre of the circular path. It keeps the object moving in that circular path. Gravitational force provides the centripetal force in circular motion. The following Vedic verses discuss about the centripetal force which keeps the celestial bodies, which are in circular motion, in their circular path

Atharvaveda 4.11.1
अनड्वान् दाधार पृथिवीमुत द्यामनड्वान् दाधारोर्वन्तरिक्षम् Ι
अनड्वान् दाधार प्रदिश∶ षडुवीर्रनड्वान् विश्वंभुवनमाविवेश ΙΙ
संसाररूपी गाड़ी को खींचने वाले बैलरूप परमात्मा ने पृथ्वी को धारण किया। उसने सवर्ग, अंतरिक्ष तथा पूर्वादि छह महादिशाओं को भी धारण किया इस प्रकार वृषभ (बैल) रूपी परमात्मा सब भुवनों में रक्षा के निमित्त प्रविष्ट हुआ       
God(Sun) has held the Earth and other planets, the way a bull pulls a cart. 

Rigveda 8.12.28
यदा ते हर्यता हरी वावृधाते दिवेदिवे Ι
आदित् ते विश्वा भुवनानि येमिरे ΙΙ       
हे इंद्र ! जब तेरा बलशाली अश्व अत्यंत वृद्धि को प्राप्त हुआ, तब तूने संसार को अपने नियंत्रण में कर लिया
O Indra! You put forth your mighty rays which possess the qualities of gravitation and attraction-illumination and motion. The entire universe is in order by the power of your attractive rays. 

Rigveda 8.12.30
यदा सूर्यममुं दिवि शुक्रं ज्योतिरधारय∶Ι 
आदित् ते विश्वा भुवनानि येमिरे ΙΙ  
ज्योतिर्मान सूर्य को हे इंद्र ! तूने दिव्यलोक को स्थापित करने के बाद ही सभी लोकों को नियंत्रित किया था
O God! You have created this Sun which posses infinite power. You are uploading the Sun and the other spheres(planets) and you render them steadfast by your power of attraction.

Rigveda 1.35.9
हिरण्यपाणि∶ सविता विचर्षणिरुभे द्यावापृथिवी अन्तरीयते Ι
अपामीवां बाधते वेति सूर्यमभि कृष्णेन रजसा द्यामृणोति ΙΙ  
स्वर्णिम हाथों से युक्त सर्वद्रष्टा सवितादेव(सूर्य) आकाश और पृथ्वी के मध्य गति करता है वह रोगादि बाधाओं का शमन कर अंधकारनाशक तेज़ से आकाश को प्रकाशित करने वाला है
Sun orbit in its orbit, holding earth and other heavenly bodies in such a manner that they do not collide with each other by force of attraction. 

Rigveda 10.22.14
अहस्ता यदपदी वर्धत क्षा∶ शचीभिर्वेद्यानाम् I
शुष्णं परि प्रदक्षिणिद् विश्वायवे नि शिश्‍नथा∶ II
Rigveda 10.149.1
सविता यन्‍त्रै∶ पृथिवीमरम्णादस्कम्भने सविता द्यामदृहंत् I
अश्वमिवाधुक्षद्धुनिमन्तरिक्षमतूर्ते बंद्ध सविता समुद्रम् II   
These Vedic verses states that Earth revolves around the Sun in an orbit where Sun is at center of orbit. Rigveda 10.149.1 verse says that "Sun has tied Earth and other planets through attraction and moves them around itself as if a trainer moves newly trained horses around itself holding their reins." And similar to the rein of horse, there is a force of attraction between Earth and Sun, which is known as gravitational force, which allows Earth to revolve around it.